Draw call difference in Unity 5.3.4 and Unity 5.0.

For the same map there is a large difference in the draw call for the unity version 5.3.4 and 5.0.

I am attaching the screenshot.

Unity 5.0

Unity 5.3.4

The whole map is static. Shadows for directional light is disabled as well.
Because of this difference there is a fluctuation in fps as well.

Have you taken a detailed look using the Frame Debugger? (Unity - Manual: The Frame Debugger window)

One idea is that front-to-back sorting is increasing the number of draw calls to reduce pixel fill cost, but your frame is actually CPU-bound. In this case it might be better to turn off front-to-back sorting.

If you know your application is more CPU-bound, then turning this behaviour off might be useful, e.g. “Camera.main.opaqueSortMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode.NoDistanceSort;”

Let me know if that helps.