In my test scene, I have 1 cube. It counts as 12 tri's, and 24 verts. If I make 24 of them, I pay for 1 draw call, and it batches all 24. If I make a 25th one, it jumps to 2 draw calls and only batching 24. (which makes sense since it has added one more that it "can't" batch).
Is there a reason it can't batch the 25th one? The prefabCube has a diffuse material, that does not change. I've searched for info on draw calls throughout the forums and answers, but haven't noticed anything about this particular type of case.
The only "strange" coincidence is that when I make 25, that hits 300 tri's in my scene. I've read that if the 'model' you are trying to batch is over 300 verts, it can't. Is this just a strange coincidence, or have I stumbled onto something new, where if the total amount of tri's you are trying to batch is more than 300, it has to commit to another draw call?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!!