Draw calls

Do we know any ballpark of what our target range for draw calls should be to get 15-30 fps? I know we’re supposed to shoot for about 5k visible polys, but the number of draw calls would seem to be a big factor in there too.

For posterity, after some preliminary testing, it looks like the FPS does a sharp drop from 30fps directly to 15fps right around the 25-30 draw call mark. This is with extremely low polys in view (around 100-200), no physics, and almost no overdraw. So the draw calls would appear to be the bottleneck.

Can anyone confirm or correct these findings from their experience?

I noticed when my draw calls where around 40 … my frame rate went waaaay down. So I decided to use the CombineChildren script and the draw calls went down to 5 - 10 … and the frame rate is great.

PS. This is with 2-3k poly count.

What I found strange in my case was that the FPS remained pretty steady around 30fps right up until I hit around 25 or 30 draw calls, then it almost instantly dropped straight to 15fps. Then I could add draw calls, geometry, physics, etc, to quite an extent and it would remain at 15fps. Only after adding a bunch more stuff would it then start to dip into 7-12. This isn’t what I’m used to with desktop systems, where the fps drops more or less in proportion to what you push through the pipeline. In the iPhone case, it’s like it hits a threshold and then halves the fps all at once, and then chugs along fine at that fps until it hits another threshold.

Well being a noob with Unity I am learning about Tris, Verts and Draw calls and the effect they have on FPS.

Have a 3K tri model in Maya = 1 draw call, 3K tris in game
Add 1 material: game renders 6K tris and 2 draw calls
Add 2 materials: game renders 9K tris and 3 draw calls
Now, take that 9K tris model and add in 1 dynamic light- game renders 18K tris and 4 draw calls.

Not bashing- just noting I am quickly learning how to paint better textures and bake light maps!