Draw calls

Hi i have a bunch of duplicated objects in my scene i dont want ot combine in 3d max i know there is a way inside unity and is using children script but what i can do when i make a beats lightmapping i knwo the will render bad .

So whats the solution i need to put my draw call low i need to combine using children script attached to a empy game project but how i resolve the best ligthmapping idont want to put an extra c hannel in 3d max this meshes is ready to receive lightmapping but please help me wiht this anyone?

i appreciatte any help.

Help is in support forum.

this is collab and that is ask for help too


You’re looking for a different kind of help, you need to be here: http://forum.unity3d.com/forums/10-Unity-Support

The help in the Collab forum refers to is experience such as modeling, programming… Not tech help… Frank hooked you up with a link though, :slight_smile: