Hi i am newb at Unity scripting and i tried getting door open scripts working on a chest of drawers which has 3 drawers. I made an animation to open /close on timeline and I tried this script. I attached this script to MT gameobject, the game object itself and even the camera…Why does’nt it work. HELP!!
private var doorIsOpen : boolean = false;
var door : GameObject;
function OnTriggerEnter(collision : Collider)
if ((collision.gameObject.tag =="DrawerAss1") && (doorIsOpen = false))
doorIsOpen = true;
function OnTriggerExit(collision : Collider)
if ((collision.gameObject.tag == "DrawerAss1") && (doorIsOpen = true))
door.animation("CloseDrawer").speed = -1.0;
doorIsOpen = false;
I even tried this from Unity script ref
//Plays an animation only if we are not playing it already.
function OnMouseEnter() {
if (!animation.isPlaying)