Drawing a wall(or cube primitive with wall dimensions) from a line segment, inheriting its propertie

:)Hey Unity team,
I have been working on a architectural related project in which I am supposed to draw a wall using the input coordinates given by mouse position.

I am using ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition) to return with mouse coordinates and can create a line segment (line renderer) using the two Vector3 generated at two points of mouse click-drag.

Now, I need to put a wall instead of line, which should have all the properties like angle with correct dimensions.

using UnityEngine;
public class CubeMaker : MonoBehaviour
        public new Camera camera;
        public Mesh cubeMesh;
        public Material cubeMaterial;
        public float wallWidth;
        public float depth;
        public static Vector3 startpointer;
        public static Vector3 endpointer;
        private float x, y, z;
        private Vector3? lineStartPoint;
        private double wallthickness = 0.5;
        public float angle;
        void start()
            camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        void Update()
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                //getting the coordinates for mouse start point
                lineStartPoint = GetMouseCameraPoint();
                var linestartvec = GetMouseCameraPoint();
                startpointer = linestartvec;
               // Debug.Log("Line start point is" +lineStartPoint);
                Debug.Log("startpoint is" + startpointer);
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                //just a cross check if mouse start point has been taken or not
                if (!lineStartPoint.HasValue)

                //getting the coordinates for mouse end point
                var lineEndPoint = GetMouseCameraPoint();
                //Debug.Log("Line end" + lineEndPoint);
                endpointer = lineEndPoint;
                Debug.Log("endpoint is" + endpointer);
                //adding both vectors and dividing by 2 to get median or linear interpolation can be used for getting center point of wall
                Vector3 vectoradd = (startpointer + endpointer) / 2;
                Debug.Log("vectoradd" + vectoradd);
                // assigning x y z magnitutes to scalar
                x = vectoradd[0];
                y = vectoradd[1];
                z = vectoradd[2];
                    //this part is also bugsy as it should be able to check where the wall is created and should assign respected x and y values to look like a wall
                    if (x > z)
                        wallWidth = x;
                        depth = z;
                        Debug.Log("wall width is x" + wallWidth + "depth is z" + depth+ Mathf.Abs(x));
                        wallWidth = z;
                        depth = x;
                        Debug.Log("wall width is z " + wallWidth + "depth is x" + depth +Mathf.Abs(x));
                var gameObject = new GameObject();
                var meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
                meshRenderer.material = cubeMaterial;
                var meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
                meshFilter.mesh = cubeMesh;
                //var boxcollider = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
                gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 1, z);
                gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(wallWidth,2, depth);
                //setting line start point to 0 for new line
                lineStartPoint = null;

        angle = Vector3.Angle(startpointer, endpointer);

        private Vector3 GetMouseCameraPoint()
            //assigning value of mouse position to this function
            var ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            return ray.origin + ray.direction * 8;

this is the code I am using…:slight_smile:

You should build a mesh along that line.

Yes, After I get the two points from mouse position, I add mesh filter and mesh renderer to it to shape it into any primitive.

Or did you meant something else?

Mesh filter and renderer are required to render the mesh on the screen. You need to generate geometry and push it to the filter and assign a material to the renderer.

4752455--451124--Untitled.jpg 4752455--451127--Untitlede.jpg

Yes, I did that too. As you can see in the screenshots, The first one is perfect which I wish to have. But in second image, when the position of the player changes, the size and dimensions of wall also changes. I clicked on the two spots marked as red on the game, but the cube that is created is not what in the right position.

In this case, I think the angle between the two vectors are responsible.