I am working on an isometric RPG and I have little rings that show around the feet of selected characters. I am trying to get the rings to always be drawn on top of the terrain.
I have tried using a second camera, putting the terrain on one camera and everything else on another, but that seemed pretty janky, and I’d rather avoid the performance hit of a second camera.
I’ve tried messing around with the render queues, but either I’m doing it wrong or it doesn’t do what I think it does.
If you got the appearance working with a 2 camera set-up, then you could set the rings on a dedicated independent layer and then put the second camera to only render that layer…basically like is commonly done with minimaps that have simplified versions of the actual maps to avoid rendering everything twice. This could minimalize or eliminate the mentioned performance hit if you have not done so yet with that set-up.
Other than that, it is a little difficult to understand what the rings are? what shader they use? are they shadows. If my other feedback doesn’t solve it, then a little more info or maybe a visual for intended or current results would be helpful.
Lastly, it might be worth looking into projection shaders and decals to see how those are set up as it might be applicable to my understanding of what you described.
This is what I’m trying to make work and have the ring be drawn on top of the terrain all the time.
I have tried setting the green ring to its own layer and drawing that at a higher depth, but then it draws it on top of the players, monsters buildings etc. This is how I ultimately ended up with everything except the terrain being rendered by the one camera and just the terrain rendered by the other.
They’re just meshes with the standard shader applied to them.