So I have a simple script attached to different gameObjects. To manage this script, I have another script which adds a button in the inspector (it helps me to fill my script’s properties).
My script :
public class APanel : MonoBehaviour {
public bool m_CloseAllOtherPanels;
public List<APanel> m_panelsToClose = new List<APanel>();
public bool m_openAtStart;
public Vector2 m_openAnchorMin;
public Vector2 m_openAnchorMax;
The other one :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
public class APanelEditor : Editor {
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
APanel myTarget = (APanel)target;
RectTransform rectTransform = myTarget.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (GUILayout.Button("Set 'Open' Data")) {
myTarget.m_openAnchorMin = rectTransform.anchorMin;
myTarget.m_openAnchorMax = rectTransform.anchorMax;
myTarget.m_CloseAllOtherPanels = GUILayout.Toggle(myTarget.m_CloseAllOtherPanels, "Close All Other Panels");
if (myTarget.m_CloseAllOtherPanels) {
DrawPropertiesExcluding(serializedObject, new string[] { "m_panelsToClose" });
} else {
if (GUI.changed) {
If m_CloseAllOtherPanels is unchecked, DrawDefaultInspector is called and everything’s fine. If it is checked, DrawPropertiesExcluding does what I expect in the inspector : it shows m_panelsToClose if the variable is checked.
Unfortunately, when DrawPropertiesExcluding is called, all properties from APanel aren’t saved… So If I check from the inspector m_openAtStart and if I switch from the gameObject to another one and select it again, m_openAtStart will not be checked…
I don’t think this is expected by Unity’s staff, but maybe I’m missing something ?
Thank you