DrawRenderers Has Broken Sorting on Transparent

I want to render any transparent objects into the Custom Color Buffer using a DrawRenderers Custom Pass, but even using the default Custom Pass, I get sorting issues.

The default DrawRenderers Custom Pass:

The Custom Color Buffer output when looking at my smoke VFX:

This seems like a bug to me, but maybe I’m doing something wrong here? Would love any help!

Unity 2022.2.1f1
HDRP 14.0.4
Forward Rendering

You are not clearing the color nor the depth buffer (Clear Flags), so it is expected to see “ghost” rendering in your buffer.

Hey Remy, thanks for the response. Unfortunately that wasn’t the issue. I tried clearing the all the buffers, but nothing changed.

However, I did solve it! I needed the Custom Pass to both write depth and to write color – unfortunately, that meant that it did a ZTest when writing color, which I didn’t want it to do on the smoke particles.

Instead, I changed to use two custom passes – the first writes color, the second writes depth, and now it all seems sorted!