Drift Worlds - Now on Android and the App Store!

Hi everyone,

I had released my new racing game for Android a few weeks back and finally got the green light for the Apple App Store so would love to take the opportunity to let you all know about it. Consider this a re-release for both platforms.



It’s a half realistic half arcade racing game. Similar to Super Mario 64 or Crash Team Racing in that you explore a world and enter levels through the various platforms. Race well enough and you will be rewarded with stars and more levels to complete.

You constantly earn cash over time, through drifting and collectables, so head back to the garage and upgrade your car when you have enough cash.

The best feature is you can immortalise yourself as a ghost racer if you beat the world record. You will be the new player to beat for that level as people race beside your best time.
I am hoping to continue to create more levels, add more cars and make constant improvements (including size optimisation, sorry).

Have fun!

might check it out