I’m working on a car drifting simulator , here’s a video
I used unity’s car tutorials ~alternatephysicsmodel and it works really nicely after numerous modifications but so far there’s a slight issue where on a slope the car slides regardless of wheels directions , irritates me how I can’t find a proper solution for it.
Thank you , the lighting somehow became too strong after I updated to the latest Unity 5.3 version , I was reluctant in fixing it but it’s on the to do list now ^-^'/
Here’s a snippet that you can refine to build your own gauge using OnGUI function, you will need to provide the gui and pin as textures, its available at some posts:
Looks Great! Are you planning to develop the code and sell the vehicle physics? or use it for your own game?
How are you controlling the car? keyboard? steering wheel?
Although the code is unity’s car tutorial ~alternatrephysicsmodel , I’ve modified some of it and mostly the car controller script since it only allows to control the vehicle via keyboard , I added code to control it with a steering wheel (Logitech Driving Force GT).
The simulator project was actually a part of my training program at the SAS VR training program in Oman , we achieved 1st place for it (Me as the team leader and sole developer , 4 other team members as modelers and content…etc).
The question now , can we sell a game that contains 3rd party content such as the car? if the game goes big then we might face lawsuits for example using a Toyota brand car in our game without having permission, in addition getting these permissions would cost us time and money for each company we want to use their car models and names for commercial purposes.
All the work we did took about 2 months , it still has a few no biggy bugs that are tricky to fix but non the less we could probably consider making a simple drifting game template with documentation and sell it in the asset store for a cheap price since its only work applied on freely existing code (Unity Car Tutorial).
I’m very skeptical whither we’re going to do something about this but…in case anybody wants to play the game , visit my website :
I purposely used lower grip settings to make drifting easier in proportion to throttle control so it will take time to adjust on the learning curve of the game , we will add tuning settings in the future to customize tire grip from low to high.
I have noticed that as well , its terrible and ugly , I have an old demo release in Unity 5.0 and it doesn’t have the problem , right now this was made in Unity 5.3 , I’m waiting for a fix too -