Drillboid - 2.5d platformer in development



TheLastBanana and I have been working on this game for the Unity contest on Kongregate. We’re at the point now that we’d love to hear some feedback on it.
The idea is a 2.5D platformer in which you explore procedurally-generated caves containing treasure and high-tech alien ruins, as well as some alien flora and fauna. It’s still in early alpha, so there’s a lot missing, but there’s enough to play with that you might find it interesting:

Feel free to check out our development log, too - We’ll be posting on there about the development and might leave some interesting tips. TLB has already left a lengthy post about the procedural cave generation that could make an interesting read!

I found that the the controls were good and smooth. The graphics were very nice and but I thought that jump should be space.

I agree spacebar for jumping would be better :slight_smile:

Also what is the objective? In my opinion there should be some blocks with jewels and gold and stuff you can dig up…

Looks good!

Thanks for the compliments =]

The objective will be to find treasures and things and explore alien ruins. Somewhere on each map there will be fuel that lets you leave the map and travel to the next one.

The main character is so well made that it could be a selling point for this game, even on its own. I mean it’s so cute and cuddly yet awesome and powerful at the same time.
The game mechanics go along with the character very well. I managed to grasp all the controls quickly ( Maybe due to similarity to Metroid ).

Very well done!

What’s next? When will you introduce enemies and obstacles? There’s not much time to the Kongregate deadline.

Well, we’ve still got about 25 days left, so it should be enough time to get the basics in. First thing we’ll be adding is a goal in the level, and then treasures and enemies and stuff. That reminds me - we need to set up a public to-do list!
I added Space as an alternative jump button, so hopefully that’ll be a bit more natural for those of you asking for it.

I like it very much. The controls feel good and graphics are very nice. Kudos to you both. Will follow your progress.

Agreed. Chris (capnbubs) has done some work for me before, and he’s probably the best artist I know. He could definitely do some triple-A quality stuff.

And after reading the article TheLastBanana posted on how he achieved the procedurally-generated levels, I’m inclined to believe he’s a pretty damn good programmer.

Looking good fellas!

Love it. I spent about 10 minutes digging my way UP. When you get more finished also consider posting it on Facebook with the dimeRocker Arcade. (http://apps.facebook.com/dimerocker)

Makes me happy you guys like the character so much, I’m working on an enemy over the next couple of days so I’ll post about it as I do on the devlog.

Looks and plays really beautiful, can’t wait to see more from it! Keep it up. :wink:

What will be the significance of ball-rolling if he can fit in the same size space in both upright and ball modes?

Actually, the ball is slightly smaller than the player. You wouldn’t notice it right now, since all the tiles are the same size, but we’ll likely have tiles with a little padding around the edges that you just can’t quite fit into.
The ball rolling might also work a little like the one in Metroid, in that it can activate machinery and such. As well, you can use it as an attack. There’ll definitely be something for you to do with it!

Awesome! I look forward to seeing more.

Looks good, nicely presented, smooth controls, I would really like to see this game completed.

There’s a goal in the game now! Every level contains a glowing orb, and you have to locate it and bring it back to the surface. There’s nowhere to bring it yet, but you can at least play around with the orb and see how it works. As well, capnbubs put in some lovely new backgrounds and effects.

So simple yet so polished, very impressed with the the character and controls.

Looks Great!

Freaking love the graphics, especially the lights. You have to share how you did it guys. Pretty pleaseeeee. lol

Anyway keep the amazing job.

We just put out an update! The game now has an enemy to fight and a bunch of other tweaks and additions. We’re closing in on the deadline, so from now on the focus will mostly be on content.