A small test area and track to start with. Will be updated over time with larger terrains and more cars.
The controls seem a bit difficult at this moment. Is this going to be a racing game?
well, the menus dont stay in the game when not in fullscreen… controls arent good. use the horizontal/vertical for the car driving(arrow keys). It is very difficult to drive.
Also, make it automatic.
Keyboard controls aren’t too good at the moment, analogue controller is much better if you got one.
The game will have offroad, street and track driving\racing.
Here’s a new area i’m working on, will upload probably tomorrow with another car(easier handling).
Looks good. But, please use smaller trees, ans space them out more. Also, use a different sidewalk texture if possible.
Updated the map and added 2 more cars.
Cool man, I like it, try to make a cool city with AI cars and more cars !!
Thanks Sheva, just started building the world. I’m always open to suggestions.
Here’s a pic of some Traffic Lights that should be in the game soon.
if you’ll need some help about scripting the traffis lights with ai cars, I’ll be able to help you man:) just write here.
Operating Traffic Lights
Destructable Fences
Car Camera