Drop shadow in Stencil Mask

I’m using Unity 2022.3.28f1, URP 14.0.11
I’m writing a shader (for URP for Forward Path) that uses the Stencil buffer.
For the object itself, which is inside the Stencil mask, everything works correctly - only that part of the object that is inside the mask is visible.
But how can I do the same for the shadow it casts?
I need to write a shader (for the green plane) that will draw a cast shadow only in the part that is inside the Stencil mask.
How can I do it? Is it possible?

Shader for Stencil mask (StencilMask.shader):

Shader "GK/StencilMask" {
	Properties {
	SubShader {
		Tags { "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline" "RenderType" = "Opaque" "Queue" = "Geometry-1" }

		Blend Zero One // Zero One - Full Transparent
		ZTest Always // Always - No depth testing occurs. Draw all geometry, regardless of distance.
		ZWrite Off
		ColorMask 0 // 0 - Disables color writes to the R, G, B, and A channels.

		Stencil {
			Ref 1
			Comp Always
			Pass Replace // Replace - Записать Ref значение в буфер

		Pass {
	} // SubShader
} // Shader

Shader for objects using the Stencil buffer (URPLit_Stencil.shader)
This is a standard URP Lit shader with the addition of a Stencil buffer.

Shader "GK/URP_Lit_Stencil" {
	Properties {
	SubShader {
		Tags {
			"RenderType" = "TransparentCutout"
			"RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"
			"UniversalMaterialType" = "Lit"
			"IgnoreProjector" = "True"
			"ShaderModel" = "4.5" }

		Stencil {
			Ref 1
			Comp Equal

		Pass { // Forward pass
		Pass { // ShadowCaster
		Pass { // UniversalGBuffer ( used for deferred rendering: Rendering Path = Deferred )
		Pass { // DepthOnly
		Pass { // DepthNormals : This pass is used when drawing to a _CameraNormalsTexture texture
		Pass { // Meta : This pass it not used during regular rendering, only for lightmap baking.
		Pass { // Universal2D
	} // SubShader
} // Shader