Drop specific items in-game

Hello im really newbie on programming and i already created inventory but it only dropping single material which is cube"droppeditem", and i want to enhance it by dropping different materials which is the same that i dropped from inventory.(sorry for my bad english)


Not really sure what you are asking, but to Instantiate objects you can do something like this…

public GameObject item;
GameObject clone;

void Update()
          clone = Instantiate(item, transform.position, Quaternion.Identity);

This is just an example of Instantiation. You would need to change the position that it spawns to. I just set it to transform.position for simplicity. You could load the resource in Start();

Hope it helps

EDIT: I left a comment on your second question about using ScriptableObects to create your object at runtime.

I want to spawn different materials in game from items in my inventory
ex. if i drop axe it will drop cube, if i drop stone it will drop sphere in my game scene
but in my game all of my items are dropping the same materials which is the cube.
you can see the items dropped on my dropbox.112523-capture3.png