Hi all,
Does anyone know why my dropdown menu item values aren’t showing up? They do exist, I can select them and change the dropdown current value. Even after clicking on a “blank” field, the selected field updates to whatever the value is.
oh, I remember this, but forgot what the fix was. do you set them in code? I remember I had to enable-disable the text or the game object to refresh them, or change the text manually to empty and back to the real value (which was a TMPro bug at some point, maybe it still is)
or maybe the item template/prefab itself has a missing text, if you’ve modified it. is it visible in edit mode? there’s a disabled “Template” object that you could inspect.
also, inspect the texts at runtime and see if they indeed have the text but invisible
Found it! Not sure why this works, but thanks to xucian I looked in the template and the template had an image component in the viewport. After disabling it I can now see the text again. Thanks!