Dropping frame rate = collider problems

I’m trying to follow the suggestions that Unity put in the manual on improving performance. I am trying a FixedUpdate rate of 15 fps; however, now some of my collisions are not being registered because the objects are moving through each other between frames (at least that is what I think is happening).

The objects are a bunch of cubes inside of a container. The container has a mesh collider on it (on the inside). The cubes are fairly small. I could put a second container and make it bigger than the first one to act as a catcher, but I would think that would defeat the purpose of trying to increase performance. Would a second container (unseen by the main camera) used as a catch all hit my performance much?

How else can I stop this from happening?

EDIT: I also have been noticing another big problem with the slower fixed frame rate - touch interactions are not being registered either. (tapping the screen). Anybody else try dropping the frame rate yet and experiencing this problem?



Because each game is unique, with different requirements for level of physics usage, you’ll need to tune the physics timestep to work for your exact gameplay. Your current options would be to use larger colliders, make the objects move slower, or increase the physics timestep.