Drops script error with transform positions, can u help me pls?

i have this

public void Drops(Transform positionDrops){

    if (Random.Range(1, 5) == spawnTime)
        numeroAleatorio = Random.Range(1, 101);

        if (numeroAleatorio <= 10)
            Instantiate(Casco, positionDrops.position, Casco.transform.rotation);

and this

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
if (col.tag == “Daño”)
Hp = Hp - Stats.AtackDamange;

        if (Hp == 0)
            Stats.XP = Stats.XP + 10;
            Set.Drops(transform.position);  // here is the problem "

whats your error in the console and what lane ?