Arteria3d release DUNGEON ULTIMATE. This pack contains everything you need to make not just a dungeon envionment of straights and curves, but also we provide Towers/Turrets with sprial staircases, a variety of rooms, plus a collection of CASTLE corridors, and ORNATE ROOMS. Check out the last pic above - this is the GRAND CHAMBER and would be great for a BOSS or final battle level room.
The pack also contains 25 props, including torches, chests, and STATUES…

The pack also contains 3 animated doorways with animations opening in and outwards so they always open away from the player if you require them so. Also provided is the unity script to attach to the doors and chests to animate them!

For the launch offer, this pack can be purcahsed for $45 for the first week. This will raise to $75 next week.
Also the first 20 customers to purchase the dungeon pack recieve a pack of their choice for free!

SImply purchase the pack, then we will contact you for your choice of pack.

Pics seem to get scaled quite a lot here - i recommend customers to visit the site to see the images in their full glory.

All images taken in realtime in Unity Pro 3
Used on this pack was the amazing chicken shader pack(thanks for your great support), plus the torch flame effects are provided courtousy of Squeakycow’s amazing fire particle pack.


This looks just amazing! You really outdid yourself this time (long time lurker).

It still looks incredible. Especially this chamber. It’s just that everything fits together perfectly. Really really nice work.

THankyou for the nice comments, its that kind of response that makes everything worthwhile.

I would highly recomment chickenlords shader pack. The parallax relief shader is outstanding. Thanks also to Chickenlord for the superior customer support on his pack.


dude I cannot wait to get home and download this !!! I assume this is on the download site?

Excellent work !

Looks awesome AAA quality but i noticed that barrels in 2. image look a bit strange.

That looks fabulous. Nice job on those cobwebs, too, those couldn’t have been easy to make.

WoW it’s fantastic i love it

Really out did your self Steve. Looks amazing as always. Now you just need some skeleton warriors to add to it and you have a classic rpg / fantasy setting.

Thankyou, much apreciated.

Skeleton wise, as in static skeletons hanging from chains on walls, or animated type?

Just bought! Can’t wait to put my hands on it :smile:



Why not both? Hanging ones would dress it up even more and animated could be your dungeon undeads or products made from necromancers.

Fantastic work … will be the basis of my next project. I’d agree with the previous poster and say that it would be great to have some generic monsters (skelton warriors, demons, etc.) to use for this dungeon. Combined with the Crusader model, Femal Rogue, Ranger and Wizard models from the character model section … you’d have everything you need for a complete RPG game!

Very nice indeed, could you drop me link Steve? :slight_smile:

You really dont know, what everything is needed for complete RPG game…

2Steve: Why you stopped providing 4096 textures? I would welcome even 8192…

Demo, there are lots of 4096 textures in the dungeon pack

Re skeletons - i have some on the go now. Also will be releasing a dungen horror character this weekend named ‘Total Horror’

Thanks for all the support
