Duplicate a material used only once easily


I have a “sprite” prefab with a simple double triangle (its not the unity thing, its a 3dsmax fbx).

i make levels where a “sprite” is often used only one time (background things).
I want to place it in the scene and change the material (texture offset from one atlas).

i find boring to duplicate the material in the asset manager, apply it to the new “sprite” every time.

i made a gui thing that do :

 if(GUILayout.Button("Duplicate Mat")) {
     Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.material =
     new Material(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.material);

So yes, it make a new material “materialXX (instance)” in the scene but not in the asset manager.
so unity cry saying there is a leaked material, but is it a big problem?

one solution i thought is to make a script for the sprite with a material variable that it is applied at the start of the game. but i can’t see it in the scene view so it is difficult to make levels.

Another one is a gui script that duplicate material in the asset manager, rename it, and assign it to the selection. duplicate and rename was ok but i dont know why, script dont want to assign it to the selection (script is below). it seemed an easy and fun solution.

do you have a better solution?

newmatname = EditorGUILayout.TextField(newmatname);
				if(GUILayout.Button("Duplicate Material")) {
//Take the path, add the new name, add .mat	

			newpath=AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial).Substring(0,AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial).LastIndexOf("/"))   +"/"+newmatname+".mat";
// Duplicate with the new name	

	AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial), newpath);
//Try to assign the new material asset to my fuck**g Selection but dont work. asset path was good though. but material assign give a null material

Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial=AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(newpath, typeof(Material));
					//other try :
					//mat = EditorGUIUtility.Load(newpath, (typeof(Material))) as Material;

Ok, i reply myself for the second question i resolved.

I forgot to set an Refresh() to the asset database!
So the material is duplicate and assigned to the selection without problem.

it’s resolved but if someone can tell me if leaked material is a real problem or not, i would thank him.

if(GUILayout.Button("Duplicate Material")) {
					newpath=AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial).Substring(0,AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial).LastIndexOf("/"))   +"/"+newmatname+".mat";
					AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial), newpath);
						Selection.activeGameObject.renderer.sharedMaterial = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(newpath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
