Duplicate curve binding in Controller with Unity 2020.1 and 2020.2

When using Horse Animset Pro’s character controller in 2020.1 or 2020.2 I get this error a number of times upon launching the editor:

Found a duplicate curve binding in Controller "Rider v2" with the name "IKLeftFoot". This may result in unexpected behaviour.
Found a duplicate curve binding in Controller "Rider v2" with the name "IKRightFoot". This may result in unexpected behaviour.

I’ve just found a post about someone trying the Opsive character controller in 2020.1 and experiencing this as well:

Found a duplicate curve binding in Controller "ThirdPersonControllerDemo" with the name "LegIndex". This may result in unexpected behaviour. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:PattachFull657239rocessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

One consequence of the error is being unable to view transitions in the Animator.

Are there any changes to 2020 that could be causing this?

Looks like the warning was added to expose potential complications Duplicate curve binding in Controller with Unity 2020.1 and 2020.2

@LeonhardP , your link is this thread. Did you perhaps mean to link something else?

He meant Unity Issue Tracker - Case mismatch when accessing animated curves from the animator or a AnimationJob I think

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It’s hard to tell if that’s useful to me! Do you mean to say I have case mismatch somewhere?

It’s possible that the warning might be triggered by something it’s not supposed to be triggered by. It would be helpful if you could submit a bug report for this with a reproduction project so we can have a look.

Ok cool. Case number: 1263693


Bonus bug:

I didn’t bother to update the shaders to URP in this quick repro project. For the package used in the project, this can be done by going to Tools->Malbers Animations->Upgrade… BUT having now just done this myself… the command crashes the project. The menu command updates all the shaders except for the Color4x2 Emission shader… which I presume triggers the crash. That shader also happens to be the only one with a space in the name.


Maybe not related to the space after all? The third or fourth time i tried the menu command it worked. Weird.

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i also have these issue

Same issue here. I have two animator params (“IKLeftFootWeight” and “IKRightFootWeight”) and specified a curve for both params on my imported animations (see attached screenshot).

If I change the curve names, the warnings dissapear, but they need to match of course.

Hey, i just had the same warning pop up, i think it was triggered by an animation i’v put into the animator but haven’t connected to anything

Hello, I got this error and came for here, didn’t got a answer from here… But I solve the issue for me.

Problem occurred to me while trying to make a new animation to my animator. I did it with adding the entire Animator Property from the ‘add Property’ in animation window.
in my case;
by doing the above action it add all the points to the animation as well as the Parameters, so my parameters are trying to be modified by both animator and animation occurring this warning/error. so simply removing those duplicated properties fixed my issue.

Hope this discovery helps you guys.

Yeah, our project also started spamming hundreds of warnings about foot IK curves as duplicates on our player character. Can’t really sort out a repro project from this since it’s a huge project and has tons of dependencies all over, but definitely got this problem only when upgrading from 2019.4.9f1 => 2020.1.6f1.

Same. 2020.1.8f1. Transition states no longer appear in the animator for any layer that is not the ‘Base Layer’. Manually recreating all transitions that are not part of the base layer seems to make them reappear as expected. Duplicate curve binding warning still appears. If no fix exists, how can the warning be suppressed?

same 2020.1.7f1