DX12 FullScreenWindow scaling issue


Posting here because DX12 is still an experimental feature.

Is it a known issue that DX12 FullScreenWindow has incorrect scaling when the resolution has different aspect ratio than the screen?
Quick search haven’t turned up anything in the forums or in the issue tracker.

2019.3.10f1, Windows Standalone player
Tested on nVidia and AMD so doesn’t look like a driver issue.

I would submit a simple testcase but you removed the resolution selection dialog so now it’s a PITA

Looks like in 2020.1.0 this bug was replaced with a different one.
Now the scaling works, but the screen is very dark when not running in native resolution (looks like a gamma correction issue)


I’ve also ran into this issue for the past few months. Using anything but the default screen resolution makes the game (standalone DX12 player) turn a lot darker than it’s supposed to be.

You can’t fix it by resetting the resolution. You actually have to rename your project for it to get back to normal.

This sounds like something saved in the registry (where Unity uses the project name as a key).
I’ll test clearing the registry…
I kinda hope it doesn’t fix it, if it does there goes my chance to send an easily reproducible bug report.

sorry for bother, but is it normal that directx 12 has lower fps performance in unity? cant understand if thaths my problem or its global

Well it shouldn’t be “normal” but this is my experience as well.
What’s worse I’ve seen worse performance in GPU limited scenarios which can happen when an engine is too aggressive with it’s barriers. (Waiting for stuff to complete that shouldn’t be waited on.)
On DirectX 11 it is up to the DX runtime and the driver to decide, but with DirectX 12 it is 100% the engine’s responsibility.

That being said, my experience is from 2019.3, I haven’t done extensive performance testing with 2020.1 yet, maybe the situation improved.

DX12 in Unity is really bad even the devs openly admit that it needs optimization. I advise you to stay away from it for the time being. Honestly come back to DX12 around this time next year (fingers crossed).

There’s been bunch of DX12 perf fixes on 2020.2, at least for HDRP. It’s still perfoming worse than DX11 there but it’s nowhere as bad as it used to be. That being said, all this is offtopic here :slight_smile: