I use multiple aabb structure. Its working, but hits not sorting. Working like function AcceptHitAndEndSearch();
Also Anyhit shader not working, just do anything.
How can I fix it?
TraceRay(_RaytracingAccelerationStructure, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, rayDesc, rayPayload);
void IntersectionMain()
float3 or = WorldRayOrigin();
float3 dir = WorldRayDirection();
const int pointId = PrimitiveIndex();
const int offsetId = InstanceID();
float hitDist = RayTCurrent();
const float3 col = colorsGB[pointId+offsetId];
AttributeData2 attr;
attr.color = col;
ReportHit(hitDist, 0, attr);
unity 2021.2.0b16, legacy pipline
Here’s a test project - BuiltInRP_AABBs.zip
RayTracingTest.cs generates an acceleration structure out of a list of AABBs.
Check the Camera where the script is attached together with other setup.
The intersection shader is the one that calculates the intersection t based on a ray-box intersection test.
The ray-box intersection test is based on Inigo Quilez :: computer graphics, mathematics, shaders, fractals, demoscene and more
The intersection shader reads from a texture to do an alpha test to figure out if it was an actual hit and reports the hit.
The intersection shader passes a normal to the closest hit shader for basic lighting calculation.
Check the Material that’s attached to the script (on the main Camera) and uses the intersection shader. The Texture with an alpha channel is there.
You can click on Play and navigate through the scene with WASD keys + hold right mouse button down.
You can also change the light direction.
Hope this helps!
7581700–939781–BuiltInRP_AABBs.zip (8.13 MB)
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Thank you. It helped a lot.