Dynamic Atmospheric Clouds?

Alright, I have this great space game idea in mind and Im currently trying to figure it all out. Therefor I am asking about how to create a planet...lets say Earth seen from space, with clouds that move and change according to seasons, for example to stormclouds etc. How do I achieve this effect?. Also I would like a day and night cycle with city lights showing in dark areas on the planet.

Do you suggest I do this in blender and import it to unity, or do it in unity, or both?
If there is an asset that does this I would like to know of it.

This might seem a bit too ambitious, but I want to know if it can be done. Not even sure this has been done before so…

A bunch of options depending on your application.

You could run a full atmospheric simulation model. This would be computationally very expensive and only make sense if the atmosphere was your game. In this case I’d suggest you consult with weather scientists.

You can fake it. One way that comes to mind is to simply have multiple layers of texture on your atmosphere that rotate at different speeds.