Dynamic Boolean Objects

Seen around the 0:30 mark on the Unreal Engine 4 GDC 2014 Features Showcase is an example of dynamic and free boolean system, which allows meshes to be used to but other meshes in realtime.

I am unsure of how viable this is, but I would love to do something like this for the Unity editor, to allow me to dynamically add doors and windows with ease and move them easily if I need to without having to remodel them.

Has anyone seen anything like this before or know how such a feature could be achieved?

Yes, this has already been done years ago and there are also some assets on the store, but I’m not sure about their efficiency regarding the mesh creation.

An example follows below, there are a bunch of others though.
I’m not sure whether this is for sale or not, you may have to check his (or their) website, but he’s (or they’ve) done some pretty nice tools for Unity over the past years

As far as I am see, MegaMesh is no longer available.

The kind of thing I was looking for is kind of like this, where you can dynamically add different shapes with edge counts to an object (without having to have a duplicate object) and have the UV’s scale with it.