Dynamic Google Sheet Pull outside Editor


First of all amazing plugin makes life so much easier :smile: !

So what i intend to do is create a google sheet and then fetch localization.

Iam able to retrieve the sheet and successfully change some text on sheet and then pull it which shows up correctly !

Now the problem is that i actually followed your Google Sheets Sample for localization which is actually for the editor.I want my game to also call the same methods lets say this

This works fine in editor and i even created a button to link to it ( Just in case i didnt want to use it via the dropdown window menu ) which works fine too.

The problem is that the class is based on UnityEditor , as shown below

Due to which i cant call this function on any android/ios or any build as it fails to compile due to it.

So is there a way where i can do all of this for outside the Editor (Android / iOS etc ) ? any specific class i need to create or something which can help me with it ?


At the moment the Google sheets support is editor only.
We do plan to look into player support in the future but it wil need to work differently in order to work with addressables at runtime.
So for now editor only. You can host the addressables remotely and use its content updates system if you want to support changes after a build now.

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Thanks for the update :slight_smile:

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