Dynamic load of Image Target in Vuforia is possible ?

In the given examples of vuforia, we have all the image targets placed. But for the application we develop, there will be large amount of photos and it will keep on changing ,So is there any way to load Image Target itself from a database using Web Service ?

Any suggestions on how to achieve this ??

You should ask this on the Vuforia AR Developer forum rather than here.


However as far as I know, all custom Image Targets have to be loaded through the ‘My Trackables’ part of the site then imported into unity as a package. That way you can use the dataset, you could attempt creating your own datasets and trackers locally, but I’m not sure you’d be able to load them from the web on the fly.

You could use Frame Markers if you have lots of them, since there are 512 different markers supported that could be contained in a dataset, so you wouldn’t even need to load them in dynamically.

I could be wrong, but take a look at the developer guide and it might give you more insight into how the target management works, I’ve not edited that part of the AR in my applications.



I created a sample project to show this feature in working.

You can find it here: GitHub - rizasif/vuforia-runtime-dataset-sample: A sample unity project for loading datasets in vuforia at runtime.

Thanks 3agle.

I asked the question in AR Developer forum in Qualcomm also. The reply i got may be useful for others also, so posting it here,

There will be a cloud-based imagetarget service, what (as i understand it) will do exactly what you want. read:
As of now i think you should be able to do something similar theoretically , when you are importing new assets as unitypackage within unity and then change programmatically the imagetargets or add some of them. But in this area my experience is to low to guarantee this. I think it will be a hard task to do this.

I have contacted the support team to explore further about it…Hope the BEST :slight_smile: