Regarding this, if I understand correctly, are you referring to the original Gameobject?
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant the CutterBehavior used for the cutting operation. At the time, I thought that maybe disposing of the behavior component after the cut was performed was some sort of requirement (even though nothing really indicated that). I was still looking into the code and manual at that time, so that’s probably why.
I’m glad you have fixed this! The feature of thread control is also very cool. I have a Ryzen CPU with 16 thread capacity, so maybe that’s what triggered this bug case? Regardless, thank you for your help! I’ll try out the new version when it comes out.
Good call to EPCubed for discovering this and you for listening to your users and being active!
Have a question:
I got a skinned mesh renderer on a gameObject setup correctly through and through.
In the MeshCutter component both sides are on Stone. My issue is that the Cut works fine, but the resulting pieces have size 0.01. What should i check regarding this?
Thanks for your time.
Scaling can be done even when using animated, skinned meshes. However you have to be careful to which transform you apply the scale changes.
The scale of the Gameobject holding the Animator Component has to be set to 1. However, one can change the scale of child objects. Taking the ExampleScene (provided with the asset) for instance, one can scale the “Armature” or any of the Legs,Arms etc invidivually, and the cut objects will still be fine.
I encourage you to try this out in the ExampleScene to see what works and what doesn’t.
If you want to be 100% certain to avoid errors, you should scale your meshes before importing them into Unity and always work with (1,1,1) scales but I understand that this is not practical sometimes.
Regarding your 0.01 size issue, are working with an animated mesh? If so make sure the root Gameobject containing the animator is not scaled. Try comparing with the ExampleScene to figure out what a correct setup looks like for skinned, animated meshes. If that still doesn’t solve your problem, try looking through all the Transforms of your root and child objects and see if you’ve applied any scale (particurlay 0.01 or 100) to any of them.
Thank you for the reply.
It is actually an import problem, but i guess i can go around it by having the GameRoot Object set with the SkinnedMeshRenderer gameobject rather than the root bone(named Hips in most cases)