Dynamic Photo Camera: in-game interactive photos with multi-platform support

Hi there,

Dynamic Photo Camera is a Unity asset that enables in-game photography with interactive photos and object recognition. It simplifies the development of detective quests, interactive educational games, and any gameplay involving user-generated content. Adapted for PC, mobile, 3D, 2D projects. Sets up in a minute. We also provide support in Discord. Find guidance and useful case studies in the documentation.


  • Capture photos anywhere during gameplay.
  • Object recognition in photos: name, coordinates, custom description, invisible layers (e.g., photos can reveal fingerprints on a keyboard).
  • Interactive photo cards: replace, rotate, and delete.
  • All photo data is saved between sessions.
  • Photo validation by an object detector (e.g., checking if the photo contains a required password).
  • Bonus: Recreate objects from photos in the game world (e.g., duplicating a key).

See how this asset powers a detective quest in action (YouTube) >

Get the tool: Dynamic Photo Camera: in-game interactive photos with multi-platform support | Camera | Unity Asset Store
Discord for support (to-developers): Octanta Studio Space
Our website: - OCTANTA STUDIO

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We started with a static 3D location, which was transformed into an interactive mini-quest in just about 5 minutes of setup.