Dynamic Pixels Per Unit


I’m working on a VR project. In the UI, I need to display some text. With the canvas scaler and the “Dynamic Pixels Per Unit” parameter, I manage to have a clean text render. But I’ve some difficulties to understand how it works and what the scaler does?
And what happen if I move the text or give it a different scale, how to choose a new value for the Dynamic Pixels Per Unit? (currently I’m setting it empirically…)

Thank you!

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Dynamic Pixels Per Unit and Font Size seem to be related but it is unclear how. The docs are not helpful.
World Space Canvas width: 5, height: 1
Best Fit is off.

With DPPU at 100 selecting a Font size between 1 and 5 has some impact on the size of the rendered text.
DPPU at 200 Font size 1 or 2. Beyond that, no impact.
DPPU >= 500 Font size has no impact. It can be 0. Doesn’t matter.