► Dynamic Radial Masks ◄

Dynamic Radial Masks is a shader extension for Unity, calculating world space volumetric 3D spherical projections in a variate of forms and shapes directly inside shader. Calculated result is a mask, simple gray-scale value in the “float” format. This mask inside shader can be used for interpolating one shader value into another, for vertex displacement, discarding mesh fragments, creating hit and impact, ripple, sonar, force field, shockwave and many other effects. Promotion video demonstrates just several use cases, do not be limited by those ideas only.

Dynamic Radial Masks is a collection of predefined methods ready to be implemented into hand written shaders, or into Unity Shader Graph and Amplify Shader Editor using just one node.

Available on the Asset Store



Holy smokes… I want this!!!

Jaw, dropped. Wow.

Very nice, good job (on my list now :wink: )

Very interesting, very exciting. Does this work with Meadow Environment? Your demo scene kind of looks like it. Not sure how one would process the leaves, but instead of white having black - like coal - and burning down a forest might be an idea if doable :slight_smile:

Dynamic Radial Masks can be integrated into any shader, for Meadow Environment I just added simple lerp inside shader for blending Basemap color into White. Same as leaves shaders.
As for fog and snow particles, Dynamic Radial Masks is used for transparency control in their shaders.

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What about using this with Advanced Dissolve to make villages disappear.

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@Arkhivrag Not valid

Just a reminder that 1 free vouchers is still available:

ASV-VLF3-YQJR-FKLP-9EGD-796H (redeemed)
ASV-U74H-NLC7-3WXQ-VRNC-LA7K (redeemed)
ASV-EYU4-XLAL-AQVA-3NAX-937M (redeemed)

Note: One numeric symbol (not alphabet) is changed in each voucher.

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ASV-VLF3-YQJR-FKLP-9EGD-796H not working

True - i did try that voucher aswell before and now… still no working voucher sorry…

I tried all of the combos for that as well lol.

Directly using ASV-VLF3-YQJR-FKLP-9EGD-796H code had no effect. One numeric number in each voucher was changed and you had to find correct one. For example it may be:
ASV-VLF3-YQJR-FKLP-9EGD-096H and so on.

For now all 3 vouchers have been redeemed. Hope they will be used in amazing projects.

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This looks great, and the the idea of more like these sounds very promising.
Would you be considering releasing them as a bundle / single asset?
Or you intend to release them only as single assets?

Will be released several single assets.
And one bundle with all Dynamic Shader Extensions.

Amazing Assets - YouTube Facebook Twitter

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Awesome, I’m looking forward to that bundle. I’m always impressed with your work so I’m sure I’ll use everything you add to that bundle.

Also, I’m hoping to purchase this asset soon to be used with splines on a line renderer. I’m still unsure about how to set this up. Is there any demo in the asset which may help?

Check help file in the very first comment.

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Hello! Just wanted to say I purchased this and I’ll most likely be back here with loads of questions.
Anyway, amazing stuff.

Hoping you can help me out! I’ve followed the tuturial and fine.
So I have my own water shader (Unity 2019.3, HDRP, Unity Shader Graph), I have your package.
I would like to simply have your liquid effect like in the the demo scene (tested the scenes in a different project) added to my existing shader, how do I proceed?