Dynamic Resolution and UWP

Does it work on Xbox in UWP mode? I’ve tried playing around with it and couldn’t get it to work. The docs just say it’s supported on Xbox but doesn’t say anything about UWP. Resolution has the biggest impact on my framerate so this would be useful

Unity warns me to enable frame timing statistics in player settings but I can’t see that option there

It is not currently supported on UWP or Windows Standalone player. It is only properly supported when targeting Xbox build target. It is on our roadmap, though.


hi @Tautvydas-Zilys
i read Dynamic resolution
Unity supports dynamic resolution on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS/tvOS (Metal only), Android (Vulkan only), Windows Standalone and UWP (DirectX 12 only).
why i can not see Enable Frame Timing Stats checkbox in player setting?

it was due to a bug that the Enable Frame Timing Stats is not visible for UWP. we are fixing this issue and it will be available with the next release.

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Thanks @Soner-Sen
Has this problem been solved? Which version is it resolved?

It’s November. Using 2019.3b11 and still no “Enable Frame Timing Stats” on UWP.

What does “Next Release” mean? :?

I would like to use FrameTimingManager, but it returns 0 timings on windows standalone PC (NO UWP). Is it normal? (Enable frame timing stats is on)

Enable Frame Timing Stats is enabled for Windows Standalone (DX12) but the values being returned for cpu and gpu timings is 0.

As a fallback I am using delta time to determine scale, but I would like to get exact timings.