Dynamic UI Size?

Trying to figure this one out the last couple days with no luck…

When the player selects an object I have a UI that shows the options for interaction (ex.Look At, Open, Use, Give, etc…). Depending on the object the UI would have a different size and options. So for example a Door would have LookAt/Open/Lock while a Book would have LookAt/Read and a Phone could have LookAt/Use etc…

Each object has a script that defines what properties he will have, something like this:

var isLookAt : boolean = false ;		//Look At
var isOpenable : boolean = false ;		//Open/Close
var isLockable : boolean = false ;		//Lock/Unlock
var isTurnOn : boolean = false ;		//Turn On/Off
var isSit : boolean = false ;			//Sit
var isLookInside : boolean = false ;	//Look Inside
var isUsable : boolean = false ;		//Use
var isReadable : boolean = false ;		//Read
var isPickUp : boolean = false ;		//Pick Up
var isDrop : boolean = false ;			//Drop
var isTalkTo : boolean = false ;		//Talk To
var isGive : boolean = false ;			//Give

And the idea is that the UI that shows up on top of the object, somethig like this:

alt text

This UI, depending on what options are true/false in the object would change its contents…but how can I achieve that??

This is my current UI script, I can get the buttons to change based on being true/false on the object but how can I make it so that the amount of buttons and their position changes based on my choices as well as the box that frames them do the same?

function OnGUI () {
	GUI.skin =  customSkin;
	GUI.depth = 0;

	if (playerNavigation.leftClickOnObject == true){
		// Converting the selectedObject location to ScreenPoint
		var objScreenPoint = camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(playerNavigation.selectedObject.position);		
		// defining the values for X and Y for the UI using the selected Object ScreenPoint (so that the UI spawns where the object is)
		var mouseX = objScreenPoint.x;
		var mouseY = Screen.height - objScreenPoint.y;
		// Make a background box
		GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (mouseX - 90, mouseY -40, 180,160), "");
			// Frame around the gui with the object name.
			GUI.Box (Rect (0, 0, 180, 160), playerNavigation.objProperties.objName);
			// LookAt
			if (playerNavigation.objProperties.isLookAt == true){
				if (GUI.Button (Rect (0, 58, 180, 31), "LOOK AT")) {
					//Application.LoadLevel (1);
					print ("It's my fridge...");
			// Open/Close
			if (playerNavigation.objProperties.isOpenable == true){
				if (GUI.Button (Rect (0, 90, 180, 31), "OPEN")) {
					print ("It's too heavy.");
			// Look Inside
			if (playerNavigation.objProperties.isLookInside == true){
				if (GUI.Button (Rect (0, 120, 180, 31), "LOOK INSIDE")) {
					//Application.LoadLevel (2);
			// Use
			if (playerNavigation.objProperties.isUsable == true){
				if (GUI.Button (Rect (0, 120, 180, 31), "USE")) {
					//Application.LoadLevel (2);
		GUI.EndGroup ();

Any help very welcome! Hope I was clear enough on my question.

A friend and I did something just like this for Garry’s Mod in LUA, here’s how we approached it.

//In this example we want 7 pixels between each string.
//also going to use the imaginary function drawText(string, x-position, y-position)

var curY = 10; //starting position for the text (current Y)
var x = 5;

var showName : boolean = true;
var showHealth : boolean = true;
var showArmor : boolean = true;
//blahblah more variables

function OnGUI()
	if(showName) //if showname == true
		drawText("Bob", x, curY); //drawText(string, x-position, y-position)
		curY += 7; //add 7 to the y-position for the next string
		drawText("100", x, curY); //because we added to the Y position, this will be 7 pixels below "Bob"
		curY += 7;
		drawText("50", x, curY);
		curY += 7;

basically, you’re using the same variable for your y-position, you’re just adding to it within every if statement. hopefully this answers your question.