Dynamic Water Physics 2 [Released]

hi, me again.

I’m having a bit of a problem with water mask.
what am I doing wrong, the renderqueues are correct, right?
this is lux water. the ocean’s rq number is 2999.

also did you use something else for water height calculation for lux water?
the included utility seems like correct 60-70% of the time
(like mentioned [here]( [RELEASED] Lux Water page-33), but my ocean is not scaled)

public Material luxOcean;
private LuxWaterUtils.GersterWavesDescription Description;
    public float TimeOffset = 0.0f;
    public Transform T;
    public Vector3 pos;
    public bool getHeight;
    public Vector3 offset;

    void Start()
        LuxWaterUtils.GetGersterWavesDescription(ref Description, luxOcean);
    void Update()

    if (getHeight) {
            pos = T.position;
            offset = LuxWaterUtils.GetGestnerDisplacement (pos, Description, TimeOffset);



and one more thing.
this is where the hull / water object component should be for normal submersion
this is where it would be if aligned with deck. but then it’s over water
tried fluid density and other variables but doesn’t seem to help.
so if there’s no other way I guess this hull mesh collider should be set on a separate layer if I wouldn’t want to collide it with other things if they are on the ship

or can be more than one hulls / water objects be used for one ship?