E/Unity: Signaling: WS is not connected. Unable to send message

Hello everyone. I am trying to run the server with “webserver.exe -w”. while running the Broadcast sample inside my unity editor, The receiver sample works fine on a local device(my PC) and in the browser in my android phone, However, when I build the Reciever sample apk for my android device I see the log “E/Unity: Signaling: WS is not connected. Unable to send message”.
do I need to configure self-signed credentials for https? cant i just test the reciver sample without creating another signaling process.

I had to enter my PC Ip on the receiver sample instead of “localhost”, I was just confused that why was it working on the browser on the phone and not in the build app.

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Hi, I would like to hear your idea for solving your issue.

as I mentioned it was totally my fault, I had to enter my Pc Ip in the receiver sample (on my android device) but I was running it with localhost.

I had the same issue, it should definitely be mentioned in the documentation
@kazuki_unity729 following the documentation for Gyroscope:
I think it should explicitly say to add the ip address, I know it says “configure signalling settings” but as a step by step, at this step is pretty vague what we have to do.
Thank you @Abdul_Malik_Badshah , you saved me