EA Exec: "Our Games Are Too Hard To Learn"

No wonder that games are getting so dumbed down that they practically play themselves

I agree with them. Their games are too hard for their executives to learn. Clearly the solution is to dumb down the games rather than simply get new executives. Right?


LOL alot of newer games in general, are waaay too basic (boring for me)… but yeah i get it for like older people i guess?? … and people that dont really play games at all, oohh or i guess the smartphone market

like my dad, he asked me for games to play, but theyre all too complicated for him…
… although he LOVES anno1404 … but hes not incredibly good at it… hes decent… he can never figure out how to use the automated shipping lanes thingy (pretty easy for someone that uses computers… but i see how its complicated)
he LOVED settlers series … (well the older ones) … and heroes of might and magic 2,3,4

Um, older people? LOL

Trust me, we like a challenge. If your dad doesn’t get it, it is more because he is not a gamer, not because he is older. :slight_smile: Us older folks grew up when games where hard and challenging. The old Dungeons and Dragons was a LOT harder than DnD 4.0, which they admit was created for the “video game generation”.

In truth, easy games are probably easier to make and have a much larger mass audience so sell easily…at first. But then people are bored with them and post bad reviews and the sales go down or they don’t buy the 2nd iteration. Sims 4 is a great example of a dumbed down EA game. I have talked to dozens of people who bought every The Sims title and not Sims 4, myself included.

EA just wants to pump them out, get that initial rush to buy before REAL reviews are posted by REAL players and then move on to the other stupid dumbed down game. :slight_smile: That is how they make money. So now they want to convince us they they are doing it because games are too hard? Ha!!



Alternatively, you can just interpret this as EA being completely out of touch.


It’s not like EA is actually targets self-identifying gamers though. Their targets are casuals and people who aren’t actually aware they even play games. This is the company that owns PopCap. Chances are high your mom has played an EA property.


I look at EA games and they have games like titanfall, battlefield, command and conquer upcoming games like starwars battlefront (they dont seem like casual games)

They are a far cry from being niche. They are still aimed at a mass market audience, it just happens to be a male demo. Throw Madden, FIFA, and the rest of their sports lineup on to the list and it’ll start looking a hell of a lot more casual.

Their statement is that the games are difficult to learn, not that they are too challenging. You can have a challenging game without it being difficult to learn.

I didnt want to make a new thread for this but heres a video about the new evolved game cost $215 to get all the content. It just seems like the AAA gaming industry is going in the wrong direction, and I wonder if it will lead to another game crash

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I think there are a lot of people who will (over time) end up buying every option for it. All of those FPS fanatics and, of course, the so called “whales” that just have to have everything they gotta get the premium best of the best. I think it is all good. First, players can better understand the value of games. Second, nobody is forcing players to get any more than the most basic edition of the game. If they don’t want to spend the money then don’t. I can go to buy a car and just because the options are there and available doesn’t mean I should get them for the base price. I think these people look at it backwards really. The game is $215 for the full decked out experience. If a person only wants to spend $100 they get the $100 version. If they only want to spend $60 they get the $60 version. If they only want to spend $40 they wait 6 to 8 months after release and buy the basic version. I see it as more of a way to provide options to the people who are willing to “do without”.

Only if those options have good value. If I pay for the $60 basic version it better be at least as good as a $60 game.

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Of course. I figured it is like any other $60 AAA game. Bunch of FX and sizzle with solid basic game play.

The DLC reviews stopped me from purchasing. At a massive $60, there should not be DLC upon release.


The best we can do, I think, is just watch what happens. 6 months from now we will have a much better idea of gamer acceptance or resistance to their pricing model. I wouldn’t buy it because it is not my kind of game. D3 on the other hand I preordered the game had it on release day. Then bought the expansion in first week of release. Next expansion I will buy and I have no idea what or when it might be. I am guessing they’re targeting the gamers who are into FPS to that same degree. Not everyone is their target market.

It makes me sad, but I think there might not be another expansion. I hear they gutted the Diablo 3 team and moved them all over to the Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch teams. There’s just a skeleton crew working on D3 now.

I will have to keep playing the current version. Or check out Path of Exile assuming they finally released the official game. I found it years ago before D3 was released when they put out early development versions. It looked like it had a lot of potential although was pretty basic at the time. I will have to check it out anyway. If they never did complete it I will find another. There is always someone somewhere making the kind of games we like.

I’ll keep playing it… currently approaching para 500…

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Awesome. You are higher than me. Been spending all my free time in evenings working on games and playing an MMORPG with my girlfriend. Basically just an RPG to us since we rarely play with anyone else and refuse most friend requests. Lol :wink: But it is free and she is a big gamer so is cool to play something together. Anyway my monk is only paragon 305 or something like that. It is an awesome game though. Need more free time. I really need to get D3 with expansion for her. Hmm… Valentine’s Day is almost here…

Right but in the past you would get the whole game for 1 price now are heading towards this “tiered” content. It seems to be happening piece by piece until the consumer simply accepts the new reality unless there is a full scale revolt