Earth Scale with SubScenes

@Antypodish Yes that might be a problem - mesh of the planet we must represent as a quadtree the fastest data structure i know is linear representation of quadtree so basically u have as element struct with father’s id and index of first of his children and after that index 3 next places are the rest of his children and as u get closer to planet near quads are divided so structure grows in runtime and ofc some of quads need to be removed(so one should keep list of free places to populate them with newly added nodes).
We remove quads(children) when we are farther from father node quad. Other Quad data like node-position(unfortunately must be double) should be placed in hashmap id(key)=>data(value) - there are also local space that is cube and deformed space(proland terms - deformed because we deform cube to sphere for example or we can deform plane/cube to cylinder or ring) and distances are calculated in local space. Sure there might be some faster ways to render planet, structures to use etc but this is my current understanding of the problem- as i wrote in above post - having in mind this is project in early phase. Ofc it would be nice if burst is faster when dealing with doubles - though idk details how much slower it is - i hope it is not some drastic difference.
Again(i think i wrote this 5 times in my posts here on forums) imo Unity dots should add support for big worlds(especially planets) and also if possible for mesh destruction - all other big engines already have it for free.
Those links and benchmarks might be interesting i found them few mins ago i need to read it later :
1. GitHub - nxrighthere/BurstBenchmarks at 9e1387d75279fa0de08a336180b6a6d66ac518ac
**2. Benchmarking Burst/IL2CPP against GCC/Clang machine code (Fibonacci, Mandelbrot, NBody and others) **