EaseType progresion not working

I have been trying to make an InOutQuad value progression. It’s to modify velocity of a Rigidbody going from -1 to 1, and then backwards. I have been looking for a function and found this two:

private static float InOut(float k)
        if ((k *= 2f) < 1f) return 0.5f * k * k * k;
        return 0.5f * ((k -= 2f) * k * k + 2f);

    public static float EaseInOutQuad(float start, float end, float value)
        value /= .5f;
        end -= start;
        if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * value * value + start;
        return -end * 0.5f * (value * (value - 2) - 1) + start;

But obviously it’s not working. Here’s my code:

while (true)
            if(rb2DEnemy.velocity.y >= 1) { rb2DEnemy.velocity = new Vector2(-1 * vel, EaseInOutQuad(1, -1, rb2DEnemy.velocity.y)); }
            else { rb2DEnemy.velocity = new Vector2(-1 * vel, EaseInOutQuad(-1, 1, rb2DEnemy.velocity.y)); }
            yield return null;

(‘rb2DEnemy’ is the object’s Rigidbody component, and ‘vel’ a public float for ‘x’ velocity)

“Easings” are applied to linear interpolations. The value they take is usually a percentage. Does this make any sense?

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class Junk : MonoBehaviour
    IEnumerator Fubar()
        bool inverted = false;
        float[] someVars = new float[2];

        while (true)
            //This bit is to make sure it goes back and forth
            inverted = !inverted;
            someVars[0] = inverted ? 1 : -1;
            someVars[1] = inverted ? -1 : 1;

            //The var that's going to be the result of our interpolation. This could be an axis of our rigidbody's velocity.
            float iCanBeAnything = 0f;

            //What time is it as we're starting this?
            float timeStamp = Time.time;
            //How long is this going to take?
            float duration = 1f;
            //Yay, we're running until our duration is over. Let's change the world.
            while (Time.time < timeStamp + duration)
                //What is the percentage of our interpolation currently completed????
                float t = (Time.time - timeStamp) / duration;
                //Pass the normalized time variable(our percentage) through our easing method so we can get our relative value
                t = QuadraticEaseInOut(t);

                //Let's lerp with our new shiny relative value, rather than the linear percentage of completion.
                iCanBeAnything = Mathf.Lerp(someVars[0], someVars[1], t);

                //We don't like stack overflows
                yield return null;
            //Adjust the variable with its final value. The lower our FPS, the more apparent the gap between
            //the last iteration of the while loop and the final value is. Let's correct it by assigning our value.
            iCanBeAnything = someVars[1];

    float QuadraticEaseInOut(float p)
        if (p < 0.5f)
            return 2 * p * p;
        return (-2 * p * p) + (4 * p) - 1;
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YEAH! It make all the sense. Thanks for the help.
I’m starting to learn about easings and it was driving me crazy. So, does it coroutine works with any other easing? I soupose, by how it runs.

Yeah sure, just pass the t variable into whatever easing you want. Just remember that you’ll need to use an unclamped LERP if you use easings that are expanding beyond the 0-1 range.

e.g. Let’s say you want to generate a sine wave and you want your wave to do 2 complete cycles, you could do this

//Get the percentage of completion
float t = (Time.time - timeStamp) / duration;
//Ease it
t = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * t * 4f);
float waveAmplitude = 52f;
float myEasedVariable = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0f, waveAmplitude, t);