Easier Animation Discussion

Overgrowth’s animation workflow would save the rest of us sooooo much time.

I’ve been trying to make a system that sits on top of nav mesh and nudges a rag doll towards key frames in whatever animation the model is supposed to be doing relative to the movement velocity.

Then I’ll work on a system to get npcs to pick-up/throw/eat/interact with a target if it’s near them or to move towards it if it isn’t.

This makes me sound lazy, but honestly I just want to maximize my productivity.
And this would put my focus directly on the game play content.

If there’s anything out there like this I’d appreciate a heads up, or if you are aware of problems I’ll run into and feel like sharing I appreciate it.

Have you inspected the features of any of these packages?

FinalIK and/or Puppet Master sounds like what you are looking for, the exception though might be navmesh. IDK - I haven’t used navmesh for anything.

AnimFollow is another one that might work.