Easier way to serialize int value using JSONUtility ?

Hi, im looking for the easiest way to serialize a primitive value - in this case - a variable holding an int value.

According to JSON Serialization doc, the “easiest” way to do that is create a class/struct … wait what? For simple int variable? So i tried this and it works:

using System;

public struct SerializableInt
    public int value;

and then elsewhere:

SerializableInt myInt = new SerializableInt();
myInt.value = 1;
Debug.Log (JsonUtility.ToJson(myInt)); // {"value":1}

but this looks as verbose as ever. Is there easier way to JSONize / StringIFY that?

Alternate approach not using JSON maybe?

My requirement is to pass string and parse it based on “dataType” something like:

switch (dataType) {
    case "int": // parse as if string contained ints only - using SerializableInt here currently
    case "float": // parse as if string contained float - SerializableFloat ???
    case "Array": // parse as if string contained array - SerializableArray ???
    case "Vector3": // fortunately we CAN parse the string using JSON directly.

JsonUtility doesn’t support direct serialisation of primitives yet. I’m hoping to add it around the same time as direct serialisation of arrays.