Hi, im looking for the easiest way to serialize a primitive value - in this case - a variable holding an int value.
According to JSON Serialization doc, the “easiest” way to do that is create a class/struct … wait what? For simple int variable? So i tried this and it works:
using System;
public struct SerializableInt
public int value;
and then elsewhere:
SerializableInt myInt = new SerializableInt();
myInt.value = 1;
Debug.Log (JsonUtility.ToJson(myInt)); // {"value":1}
but this looks as verbose as ever. Is there easier way to JSONize / StringIFY that?
Alternate approach not using JSON maybe?
My requirement is to pass string and parse it based on “dataType” something like:
switch (dataType) {
case "int": // parse as if string contained ints only - using SerializableInt here currently
case "float": // parse as if string contained float - SerializableFloat ???
case "Array": // parse as if string contained array - SerializableArray ???
case "Vector3": // fortunately we CAN parse the string using JSON directly.