Easiest way to animate my models?

Ok, so I've got a new model which just stands there staticly, what is the easiest way to lets say let him walk, jump, roll, fly whatever it's able to? :)



There is an article about it in the Unity Creative (Jan-Feb 2011)


You really got to pay alot if you want some animations. Do you know any easy to use animator which I can do myself? :) I'm on a low budget.

The Kinect has been hacked to output BVH files (these are mo-cap files). Not very detailed because they just track gross motion, so you don't get hands and fingers and head motion (yet?), but if you just need some home-brew mocap, you probably have or know someone that has a Kinect, get that hack and make your own. FWIW we have ours hooked up 'live' to the scene so we control mixamo characters just by being in front of the Kinect. Kinect rocks.


that's nice, but the problem is. I don't have a kinect. :)

If you don’t have a kinect, and you don’t want to spend money, then try learning blender. It’s free to download and can animate and export to fbx.