Easy Mobile - Many-in-one package for mobile games

Hi, check out our guide here https://www.easymobile.sglibgames.com/docs/pro/chapters/in-app-purchasing/advanced-scripting.html#getting-subscription-info

No, Android uses Google Play Games Services while iOS uses Game Center, two separate platforms.

I want to place a MediumRectangle banner place to center but i don’t see settings for this one in BannerAdPosition.
And in case i want to make a banner with fixed width, I try to modify in BannerAdSize but it’s fail, its alway fullwidth:-(.

How can i do that? thanks.

Heya, I’m trying to use EasyMobile Pro in a project with assembly definitions, and some stuff is breaking. Some of the editor scripts under the GIF folder can’t find the editor namespace. Do you guys have a guide to creating assemblies for EMP? Or else some other workaround?

Hi, I am facing this problem. Unity 2019.x IL2CPP crash on Android 8
I want to edit AndroidManifest.xml under “/Plugins/Android/CoogleMobileAdsPlugin”. and I Did it easily.
But … I can not edit the AndroidManifest.xml under “/Plugins/Android/EasyMobile”

How can I add this to the application tag:
"android:allowBackup=“false” tools:replace=“android:allowBackup”

Assets/EasyMobile/Demo/Scripts/PrivacyDemo/PrivacyDemo.cs(434,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘DataPrivacy’ does not exist in the namespace ‘UnityEngine.Analytics’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)

I’m getting the next

duplicate symbol ‘_VERBOSE_DEBUG’ in:



ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture arm64

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Could you help me pls?

I use Mac os Catalina 10.15.1, XCode 11.2.1, Unity 2019.3.0b12

I wanted everyone to know that I solved this issue by moving “EasyMobile/Scripts/Modules/GIF/Editor/RecorderEditor.cs” and “EasyMobile/Scripts/Modules/GIF/Moments/Scripts/Editor/MinDrawer.cs” to the “EasyMobile/Editor” folder.

I had created two ASMDEFs for EasyMobile: one in “EasyMobile/Scripts” for game scripts and one in “EasyMobile/Editor” for editor scripts. So moving those two scripts into “EasyMobile/Editor” put them back in the editor assembly.

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Hi, these are the available banner ad positions https://www.easymobile.sglibgames.com/api/pro/EasyMobile.BannerAdPosition.html

Are you using AdMob?

Hi, please contact our support service so we can gather more info and assist you on this case. Thanks.

You can add it to the main AndroidManifest (Assets/Plugins/Android).

Try toggling Unity’s Analytics service. You can also try removing the Library folder and open the project again. Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Analytics package in Window > Package Manager.

First of all please use an official Unity version instead of beta one. If the problem persists please contact our support service so we can assist. Thanks.

Hi! I have some problem with EasyMobile pro.

When i tested alpha version my program in google, i purcashed my products, and my
bool isOwned = InAppPurchasing.IsProductOwned(EM_IAPConstants.Product);
chanched to true.
but after that, i canceled my buying product and bool isOwned still equals true.

Then i setup verifying for google, but my bool isOwned still equals true.

Can you explain me, what i doing wrong? Why, when i in Google Play Console
canceled produkt, in my program bool isOwned still equals true?

I am getting exact the same error on Catalina 10.15.1 (19B88), XCode Version 11.2.1 (11B500) and Unity 2019.3.0f1

Is there a solution to this problem?

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The latest official Unity version as of now is 2019.2.14 https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive

Where did you guys get the 2019.3.0f1? :smile:


EM relies on UnityIAP’s receipt to determine if a product is owned, as described in Unity documentation here https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/Purchasing.Product-receipt.html

Did you allow some ample time between the cancellation and the check of isOwned? There may simply be a delay before the Google test server propagates the event and Unity reset the receipt, if it were to function properly.


You Right. On this morning isOwned was true, but now isOwned is false. Thanks for answer =)

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I hurried, the problem remained.