Hey guys,
I thought to tell you guys about a very simple easy to use save/load plugin which will save your lot of time (specially for New Comers). It is very simple plugin which saves your data(int, float, bool, etc.) in binary format and loads it with just single line. You just don`t even have to declare variables and its really fast !
Like if you have to save your any variable then just write saves.savevarType(“VariableName”, Value) ! For example, for saving your score, you have to say saves.saveFloat(“score”, scoreValue) ! About what you have to care is that you dont pass 2 values with same VariableName. If you want to get back the value just type scoreValue = saves.getFloat(“score”) and that`s done !
I am launching this plugin just mainly for 3 reasons -
its super easy to use
its super fast to use and save a ton of time
other plugins are a bit over expensive
So that was a little demo for work in progress, Now i want you guys to decide its price between 3$ to 6$, Please be honest
hey, hi
and No, it is not same as playerprefs because it doesn’t saves the data in form of string but it serializes the data and saves it to a location, then when you need it, deserializes the data and gives it back. Its fast as well as memory saving cause it saves everything in binary format and no one can hack or edit or even read that file
Thanks for reply
I was thinking to include it but its not a safe or optimized data file thus i went for binary format. But i would like to know that why you need the support of this file, maybe i include it then acording to your need