Hey Guys, so im using the Lerps Tutorial…and i have my custom character animatining perfectly…everything works…but now i want to deploy the game for andriod device…so i brought in the easy touch joy sticks…my main problem is the character movement…when i assign the character(“Player”) to the joy sticks transfrom… it says “character controller” detected…so when i use the joystick the character moves but the run/walk animations dont play… im trying to find a way to have the easy touch joy stick inherit “wasd” as its movement , instead of transform, in the hope that i dont have to re-asssign and script, because the Player needs it character controller to allow the rest of the “lerps scripts” to work.
so in short i need the joystick to NOT use “transform”, but rather mimic wasd, as its movement…as to keep the animation and game rig intact, in the hope that the input manager keeps the “wasd” behaviours when exporting to andriod.
im assuming a solution to this would solve alot of noobs wildest dreams…me included.