Easy way to check what weapon

Hi im a bit confused on how to ask this so ill do it in points

ok so my player has 4 gamobject under it called forward backward left and right and each have their own graphics and i enable and disable them deepening on what way im moving and each way gameobject has a game object called weapons under it for the different facing weapons now ill be using uinventory so i can use its custom activate to call something to enable the weapons using the array index shown below what would be the best way to tell what weapon i should enable i would like to use a name but i am unsure how to link it to the inventory

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public struct Weapons {
	public GameObject WeaponFront;
	public GameObject WeaponBack;
	public GameObject WeaponLeft;
	public GameObject WeaponRight;

public class WeaponHandler : MonoBehaviour {
	public Weapons[] Weapon;


So if i have this correct you want to be able to set the weapon for each direction based on an inventory.
If the inventory is not that big i would use an enum on each weapon and then when equiped have the player class check the enum that was just equiped.

In the weapon class add a WeaponType enum listing the types of weapons.
Then OnEnable send that weapon to the player thru a public method the player has
Then have the player check that weapon to determine which weapon model to display.

Its not to hard but it can get confusing if you let it. Just remember the flow of the weapon select to the player and it will simplify things.

Weapon Enum > Player > Enum > Weapon > Equip

The weapon Enum gets sent to the player, The player then sends it to the array of weapons, they array knows which weapon contains the Enum and it sets that weapon active.