Easy way to convert text to text mesh pro

Hi all ,

I have my project ready , I have used text component in my project is there an easier way to convert all text to text mesh pro to avoid doing it manually

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I dunno… seems like there should be some easy wiki-available editor script way to get you at least part of the way there.

I haven’t tried making one myself but I know TMPRo has a LOT more little wiggly settings to copy over than a Text. If you miss one it probably just comes up blank.

I’ll move your post to the dedicated UI forum here. The 2D forums are not related to UI unless you are exclusively using Sprites or for UI.

For future reference, here is an Editor Utility to do just that:

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It’s nowhere near as complicated as any of those answers. Just download TextMeshPro, right click the regular font asset, hit create, go under the TextMeshPro subcategory, and then hit create Text Mesh Pro font asset

this becomes frightening whey your entire project has tons of text in classic Unity UI

Use proper source control (git, svn, plasticscm, perforce, whatever) and nothing you do in your project will be frightening. It gives you the peace of mind if you have a way to go back if you screw up something…

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I thought unity added the option to search and replace components/prefabs/etc now? if not, there are some on the asset store to do this. As Lurking-Ninja says if you have source control there is nothing to be afraid of you can munge a project a lot… I repeatedly did so trying to upgrade my project from built RP in to urp… it would come out the other side, look like crap, oh well, never mind, revert, tada no trace of it