Easy way to implement touch screen keyboard?

Hey guys,

I’ve been reading around a bit to figure out how to implement the touch screen keyboard after testing my game. Since I have done quiet a bit of scripting already, I figured I would ask if you guys know an easier way to implement:


While the unity tutorial says it should auto open: it never did. It was in iOS play settings, and tested on an iPad Air 2, but the keyboard never loaded. Anyone who could explain what I’m doing wrong, or able to give a quick fix to apply this code to all UI elements would be a great time saver :).

Documented here and tutorial here for other mobile devs that will be coding it in soon.

Thanks for reading, and have a great productive day!

You generally don’t have to do anything like that to make the OS keyboard appear; Unity does that for you automatically when an input field has the focus.

If you do want to open it manually, then code like yours would do it, but only if you capitalize it correctly: TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() (see the manual).

And note that the onscreen keyboard will never open if you have a bluetooth keyboard connected. That’s just how iOS rolls.

Could you please help me?
How to close ios keyboard when user press other UI element (not textarea e.g.)?

I see that focus was changed, but can still edit text using keyboard (including cases when textarea became invisible )