Easy way to remove excess geometry?

I’m just experimenting, but let’s say I have this bit of geometry:

There are quite a few unnecessary vertices.

Is there an easy way to remove these, rather than selecting, say, two verts at a time and then “collapsing to first” on each pair?

Or deleting the unnecessary vert (and therefore faces) and rebuilding?

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Oddly, selecting a set of faces:

and then selecting “merge faces” seems to merge the face, but not remove the vertices:

and even though there is only one “face”, I can still manipulate the verts:


and the face still selects the entire area:


I had always assumed a face was defined as a tri or a quad. So, in ProBuilder, is a face something else?

I also did notice I couldn’t delete edges or vertices, but only faces, so does ProBuilder have a special way of defining a face?

Hi! Yep, this is big on our “To Do” list- a tool for “Remove Selected Vertices/Edges”.

Currently, “Merge Faces” does exactly what it sounds like…merges the faces into one, without affecting the verts or edges. That’s useful for smoothing, UVs, some other things. Not so useful if you are trying to pare-down geometry :smile:

However, you can also use “Collapse Vertices” to smush all those verts down to one (a specific corner, for example).

+1 for this. @yahodahan_1

Spawn a cylinder:


  • Select and remove the faces at the ends so you have an open pipe.

  • Duplicate the pipe so there’s 2 in the scene.

  • Rotate one of hem 90° around Z axis and re-position to 1,1,0

  • Select both pipes and do Merge Objects.

Now how do I get rid of all the interior geometry?

That’d be a question for another post :slight_smile: Easy answer though- delete all the faces selected in your image, then hold V and snap the vertices on the Y axis to the vertices of the horizontal tube :slight_smile:

Any new news about the “Remove Selected Vertices/Edges” tool? It still isn’t in version 3.0.9 or?

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I’ve been personally waiting for edgeloop removal from ProBuilder since 2015 haha :slight_smile: Is it finally coming? Soon’ish?

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Blender is open source.
Might be good to study how they handle these operations. Python isn’t that hard to learn either.

I genuinely wonder why features like these are difficult to implement. We’re not reinventing the wheel again, are we?

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Still no delete vertex?!

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Same Question, delete vertex & edges would be an incredibly useful tool for all those times I decided that my model should be ‘just’ a little different and I ended up with crazy UV maps because removing that face wasn’t such a good idea after all.

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It’s really quite odd they still haven’t managed to implement such an essential and basic modeling feature.

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deleting vertices is the first thing anyone would expect a modelling tool to be able to do, yet ProBuilder somehow manages to subvert expectations.Deleting it from my project and never touching it again.

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A year later now.

I’m starting to wonder about the new github thing. Is this where projects and features go to die now?

Maybe this really wasn’t “big” on their “To Do” list…? – I dunno.

Empty promises, Unity. Just be honest with us.

Also, be careful about “subverting expectations” – It didn’t work for The Last Jedi, and it rarely gets you anything but a pissy audience if you do it the wrong way. The reward comes only when your audience feels like they’ve been heard… Fail them – and may your audience have mercy on your soul…
Thin ice, you are still on with this “hearing” thing. Caution to you, Unity, Yoda would advise… :eyes:
You might be the only game in town, but after enough abuse, people will always find something else to do with their time…

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No easy ability to remove vertices is clearly a blocker for serious workflows.
Well, to me ProBuilder has been a huge deception. And this was the last straw on camel’s back, with it’s really poor UI design.

That’s unnecessarily threatening. Plans are reassigned, priorities change, and not everyone has time to respond to an obscure forum post. I do think that ProBuilder is overall poorly designed but there’s no need get so rude towards the developers.


Definitely wasn’t intended to be ‘threatening’ – but it was definitely meant to be pointed.

Still though, I agree with you. – I probably was too pointed, and toward the wrong people too.

I apologize if I seemed unnecessarily offensive to any developers who had no say in the github plan. I know it’s really not the developers’ fault things at Unity have been this way. Somebody higher-up had to sign off on this stuff. Unity management is probably stretching their developers too thin. And this sucks for everyone – especially the Unity development team.
That being said, everybody makes mistakes – even bosses.
I was probably just angry this kind of mistake seems to keep happening over and over. I am aware Unity has tried many different feedback mechanisms over the years (and they are also in the middle of a core rewrite of Unity), but developers (like any technology customers) are busy and rarely participate in feedback sessions until something ends up breaking their workflow. This just can’t be avoided. So just “making something” to use until it breaks is a bad idea because, generally, only forum-users/enterprise-level customers get a say due to this. Everyone else is relegated to the aftermath.

I agree though. A random forum post isn’t a great way to get frustration across to the (correct) Unity development team’s bosses. No avenues for this are all that productive though. In some cases, fiery language in a random forum post could better convey someone’s frustrations as a real problem. Maybe a random employee who caught on to these frustrations might mention one or two of them at a random department meeting. Maybe those will be put on an agenda to be fixed.
In the end, silence does nothing. Some people will get loud or obnoxious because they are simply desperate to be heard.

Again, I apologize to anyone I’ve offended.
I was just sharing my two-cents. So thanks for yours. :slight_smile:


Wellp. Still no remove option.


This is a pretty big issue. There’s a reason every 3D modelling program has this functionality.
Is this still in the works? What’s happening?

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Maybe Unity should have just bought @UModeler – eh?? :wink: :wink: :wink:

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So there’s no way to delete vertices in probuilder? Or is there no way to automatically remove redundant vertices from flat surfaces?

Edit: There seems to be a way to delete vertices at least, mentioned here

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