Hi there,
I’m not sure if this makes sense or if I’m missing some basic principle, still:
Supposing that not every part of a game needs to be fully using ECS but at some point you may want to either query the World, or get some events(?) from the World (using flags, maybe?), is there a “better way” to do this?
I’m mostly thinking about having an ECS world with non-ECS “bubbles” zones centred on the point of interest, maybe using the GameObject counterpart.
Basicly, having the background running in ECS, and the actual gameplay in the classic way.
Now, I understand that converting back and forth from entities to pooled GameObjects could be troublesome and really expensive, yet:
How would you “query” the ECS World to get sync data to get some other effect outside the World.
Such as, Instantiating a complex GameObject when some important event nearby the camera happens in the ECS World?
Am I suggesting heresies, or is there something that’s already there to cover this potential corner case need?