Ecs Physics 2d Collisions.

hey Everyone,
im making a 2.5D game and i need the third dimension only for rendering, all my physics part need a 2D logic : Environement Collisions, hitDetections …
so does the New Unity Physics supports the 2D Collisions ? if not is there any good lib i can use ?

I believe the upcoming C# release of Project Tiny will have all of those :slight_smile:

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is it supported on ios and Android Devices ?

Yes, very much so :slight_smile: do a quick google/youtube on “Project Tiny” and I’m sure you will like what you find :slight_smile: Tiny is all built on top of ECS btw. and has what will become the main editor experience for ECS/DOTS.

There is also a forum here:
And a recent GDC talk, look for “Creating Instant Games with DOTS: Project Tiny” in this list:

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Thank you!

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