hey Everyone,
im making a 2.5D game and i need the third dimension only for rendering, all my physics part need a 2D logic : Environement Collisions, hitDetections …
so does the New Unity Physics supports the 2D Collisions ? if not is there any good lib i can use ?
I believe the upcoming C# release of Project Tiny will have all of those
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is it supported on ios and Android Devices ?
Yes, very much so do a quick google/youtube on “Project Tiny” and I’m sure you will like what you find
Tiny is all built on top of ECS btw. and has what will become the main editor experience for ECS/DOTS.
There is also a forum here: https://forum.unity.com/forums/project-tiny.151/
And a recent GDC talk, look for “Creating Instant Games with DOTS: Project Tiny” in this list:
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Thank you!
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